Recently the Federal Emergency Management Agency updated their floodplain map since Holland village borders lose your lake many of our homes are adjacent to designated flood plains, if your insurance company required you to purchase flood insurance, and you acquired a certificate of elevation, we can save you some money just bring us your elevation certificate, and we'll help you fill out the necessary paperwork that can reduce your flood insurance rates.
What you should know about Property Information Form MT-1
- Form keywords: form mt 1, fema mt 1, fema mt 1 form, fema form mt 1
- FEMA MT-1 application must be submitted with the appropriate fee
- Digital submissions on CD are encouraged by DHS-FEMA for faster processing
Award-winning PDF software
How to prepare Property Information Form MT-1
About FEMA MT-1 (81-87)
FEMA MT-1 (81-87) refers to the Emergency Management Institute (EMI) course titled "Introduction to Emergency Management for Tribal Governments." This course is designed to provide tribal government officials, emergency managers, and personnel with a comprehensive understanding of emergency management concepts and practices. The course provides participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to develop effective emergency management plans, strategies, and response protocols specifically tailored to the needs and circumstances of tribal communities. It covers topics such as hazard identification and risk assessment, emergency planning, response coordination, recovery operations, and mitigation measures. Tribal government officials and emergency management personnel who are responsible for protecting the safety and well-being of tribal communities are the primary audience for the FEMA MT-1 (81-87) course. This includes tribal council members, emergency managers, tribal law enforcement officials, first responders, health professionals, and other leaders involved in emergency preparedness and response efforts within Native American tribes.
How to complete a Property Information Form MT-1
- Complete all required fields, including property information, type of request, and payment details
- Make sure to attach any necessary supporting documents, such as a copy of the effective FIRM panel or subdivision plat map
- Submit the form along with the appropriate fee by mail or fax to the addresses provided on the form
- For additional guidance, refer to the MT1 Form Instructions available at the provided link